Corporate Responsibility

What Else Do We Do?

We express ourselves in the special projects we take on.

Our history of special Corporate Responsibility projects defines our organization's deeply held values.

U.N. World Food Program

Helping Those That Help

WHAT WILL supports the U.N. World Food Program through an ongoing training effort to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian-military collaboration and recently wrote virtual reality courseware on ethical decision-making.

WHY If it is a moral imperative to use our talents for good, then we know of no better mission than to develop instructional solutions for the world's largest humanitarian organization. The WFP is saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability, and prosperity. When we support the effectiveness of WFP operations, we feel like we are also helping to feed the world in the small ways we can.

Collage of work with the World Food Programme
Collage of work with the World Food Programme Collage of work with the World Food Programme

Office of Research Integrity

Strengthening Science

WHAT WILL is currently working with the federal Office of Research Integrity to create programs to address ethics and equity issues in scientific and clinical research. Since 2010, our relationship with ORI helps ensure scientific discovery does not become an epistemic debate and everyone in science has a workplace of fairness and mutual respect.

WHY We believe in science and that human progress not only flows from our mutual generosity but from the trajectory of our discoveries. The evolution of our science is reflected in the continuous improvement of the quality of human life. Safeguarding the integrity of discovery is critical. So is protecting the scientific workplace from challenges that compromise fairness and teamwork.

Collage of work with ORI
Collage of work with ORI Collage of work with ORI Collage of work with ORI


Investing in Youth

WHAT WILL is currently working with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to educate youth in financial literacy. Misadventures in Money Management ( allows us to creatively stretch our legs and continues our 30-year tradition of youth-focused work.

WHY We have, and always will, support the critical decision-making skills and general education of youth. Why? We made some really stupid decisions when we were that young and now we have the tools to improve theirs. Of the many ways to help shape a better tomorrow, none is better than improving the minds of young people.

Collage of work with CFPB
Collage of work with CFPB Collage of work with CFPB Collage of work with CFPB Collage of work with CFPB Collage of work with CFPB Collage of work with CFPB Collage of work with CFPB Collage of work with CFPB Collage of work with CFPB Collage of work with CFPB Collage of work with CFPB Collage of work with CFPB

U.S. Naval Academy

Promoting Ethical Leadership

WHAT WILL is continuing its decade-long relationship with the U.S. Naval Academy's Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership with our 11th and 12th interactive scenarios. We also recently completed “Returned with Honor” commemorating the 50th anniversary of Operation Homecoming (the return of American POWs from Vietnam) and supported the Center for the Army Profession and Ethic for many years.

WHY While we dream of a world that doesn't need militaries, we recognize certain responsibilities endure. We believe that ethics are a foundation of the successful defense of our nation. When the profession of arms performs consistent with our values and national identity, we project not only strength but what is right.

Collage of work with the US Naval Academy
Collage of work with the US Naval Academy Collage of work with the US Naval Academy Collage of work with the US Naval Academy Collage of work with the US Naval Academy Collage of work with the US Naval Academy Collage of work with the US Naval Academy

Department of Justice

Improving Equitable Policing

WHAT WILL has recently concluded work with the Department of Justice on a choose-your-own-journey virtual-experience course for police responding to incidents involving mental illness or behavioral or cognitive disabilities.

WHY 18.5% of adults experience mental illness in any one year. Those experiencing mental illness are not more criminal or violent than the rest of the population, yet are involved in a disproportionate number of use-of-force incidents. Something isn't working optimally. We seek to evolve these unique citizen contacts with improved decision-making training for front-line officers.

Collage of work with the DOJ
Collage of work with the DOJ Collage of work with the DOJ Collage of work with the DOJ Collage of work with the DOJ Collage of work with the DOJ


Creating the Next Generation of Leaders

WHAT WILL has recently concluded work with JROTC to develop a Life Skills Library of interactive instructional movies for high schoolers covering bullying and school-violence prevention, self-esteem and mental health, taking healthy risks and recognizing unhealthy ones, and a variety of ethical challenges relevant to today's youth.

WHY JROTC is one of the few school-based curricula that focuses on teaching honesty, integrity, values, and courage. JROTC is one of the largest character development and life skills programs for youth in the world. JROTC participation results in superior attendance, graduation rates, GPAs, and lower disciplinary and dropout rates. We're honored to contribute to their success.

Collage of work with JROTC
Collage of work with JROTC Collage of work with JROTC Collage of work with JROTC Collage of work with JROTC Collage of work with JROTC Collage of work with JROTC


Past Corporate Responsibility

  • Over our 30-year history of developing eLearning programs to improve decision-making among youth, we've created courseware to prevent substance abuse, youth violence, hate and intolerance, financial mismanagement, and irresponsible uses of technology. In multiple studies, our programs have been demonstrated to be effective at positively impacting youth.
  • We spent over a decade providing intense support for the military in the areas of battlefield ethics, suicide prevention, resilience, wounded warrior support, anti-terrorism decision-making, and safety.
  • We have a long record of developing instruction for law enforcement in the areas of ethical policing, reducing police bias, eliminating racial profiling, and responding to incidents that involve suicide prevention and crisis negotiations.
  • We support teachers, including projects on maintaining appropriate teacher/student relationships and how to teach students with a chronic illness.